Wednesday 25 February 2015

"Sea Flute" Klayar Beach - Pacitan

Klayar Beach is a beach that is very beautiful and exotic, and probably a lot of friends who do not know about this island so I input in the list of tourist places hidden in Indonesia.

Klayar located approximately 45 miles west of Pacitan or precisely located in the village of Kalak, sub Doonorojo, Pacitan and can be reached by motorbike or car. The journey to get there which is full of sharp bends, which go up and down the hills and there are some rise and fall is quite extreme which would make the blood of friends to race faster.

On a typical day (not a holiday), friends will probably rarely see tourists who come to visit. It was not because the beaches are less compelling, but because the beach is still a few people who know. Though this beach has a lot of beauty Klayar very fascinating, and perhaps even more dazzling than Parang Tritis which was already well known.

At the eastern end of friends will meet a very charming lagoon. Flanked by two clusters of rocks, it looks beautiful lagoon with crystal clear that the waves hit the rock wall and then break down and spinning in the white sand.

Stretches of white sand with crystal-clear waves breaking on the shore, flanked by the rock at the right and left. If observed closely one of them similar to the shape of the Sphinx. Among the rock there is a gap which at times can give up like a fountain whose height can reach up to 10 meters.

The fountain is derived from the large waves that some water got under the rock and then gush out like a fountain. The fountain that appears is accompanied whistling noise that sounded like a flute, so often referred to as the sea flute.

Because the beach is not managed well and professionally, so that the access road was not too inadequate. But do not worry, you can use a motorcycle, and it will be better and faster because the road leading to the beach is still narrow, and if friends using the car will certainly be slower. But before the friends decided to use a motorcycle, you should first check the condition of the motor friends.

Hopefully in the future, the Government will pay more attention to the real sights very charming and has a lot of charm of this tour, and could be better managed and professional, so that would attract local and foreign tourists.

Monday 23 February 2015

Prambanan (Roro Jonggrang) Temple

Prambanan Temple or Temple of  Roro Jonggrang is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, which was built in the 9th century BC. According Shivagrha inscription, this temple was built around the year 850 AD by Rakai Pikatan, and continue to be developed and expanded by Balitung Maha Sambu, in the kingdom of Mataram Medang.

The temple complex is located in the district of Prambanan, Sleman and Klaten, Prambanan sub-district, approximately 17 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta, 50 kilometers southwest of Surakarta and 120 kilometers south of Semarang, exactly on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. It is very unique, Prambanan temple is located in the administrative area Bokoharjo village, Prambanan, Sleman, while the entrance of the Prambanan temple complex located in the administrative region Tlogo village, Prambanan, Klaten.

It is located right on the edge of the highway Yogyakarta - Solo makes the Prambanan complex easy to reach from any direction, either from Yogyakarta and Solo. For visitors who embark on a journey of Klaten, many paths to choose from, can use the Yogyakarta-Solo bus or bus terminal majors-Prambanan Klaten. Both are equally easy.

Prambanan name, derived from the name of the village where the temple stands, believed to be the change of the name of the Java language dialect of the Brahman Hindu theology term meaning "the Supreme Brahman" is Brahman or the highest and greatest eternal reality that can not be described, which is often equated with the concept of God in Hinduism.

Prambanan history can not be separated from the legend about Jonggrang and Prambanan temple is also called Roro Jonggrang. It is associated with a legend that is believed to be partly Java community about this temple.

Once upon a time, a prince named Bondowoso falls in love with a princess and handsome in appearance, the Princess was named Rara Jonggrang. Because no power to refuse directly the love of the prince, Jonggrang asking to be made a requirement to Bondowoso temple with 1,000 statues overnight. The request was nearly fulfilled, before finally Jonggrang managed to call for help villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that impressed atmosphere already morning. Feeling cheated, Bondowoso who have finished making all 999 statues cursed Jonggrang into the statue-1000.

The tourists can enjoy the beauty of the bas-reliefs on the wall of the temple. Ramayana became the main reliefs of this temple. Visitors who want to know more about this temple can visit a museum that is also located in the temple complex. In this museum, visitors can enjoy the audio-visual about the history of the discovery of Prambanan until the renovations are complete.

Tourism activities are not to be missed is the staging Ramayana. Ramayana is a performance art that brings together a variety of Javanese arts such as dance, drama, and music on one stage and one momentum to present the Ramayana story.

In the vicinity of the temple complex is available accommodation and complete facilities, such as hotels or lodging houses, restaurants and restaurants, souvenir shops, kiosk, as well as internet cafes. In addition, the presence of workers are easy to find a tour guide around the temple will enhance the visit of tourists. Therefore, they will guide tourists discover traces of Javanese-Hindu civilization fame with Prambanan Temple as the main monument.

The Beauty of The Ocean Sand in Mount Bromo

Natural attractions that are served by the famous Mount Bromo is up to foreign countries. Many tourists both domestic and foreign tourists who have come to visit this mountain, to witness the natural beauty of the crater which is still active, or to watch the sea of sand that stretched in front of the eyes, as well as to enjoy the beautiful sunrise or sunset is an inner pleasure separate is difficult to describe.

Mount Bromo has a height of 2,392 meters above sea level, and is within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park which is located at the four (4) Local Government, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Malang.

Many of the tours offered by the uniqueness of the mountain is still active to this day. Native life that Tengger tribe and culture is one of the unique characteristics to enjoy. The natives believe that Mount Bromo is a place where a prince sacrificing life for his family. People here do Yadnya Kasada Festival or commonly referred to Kasodo.

The festival is usually held once a year, namely at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar by offering vegetables, chicken, and the money thrown into the crater of the volcano to be offered to gods .

However, many challenges that must be overcome to be able to enjoy the beauty of the natural attractions of Mount Bromo, the air is very cold and low oxygen levels in the location of Mount Bromo make the body tired. Moreover, when it had to climb the stairs, amounting to 250 steps to reach the top of Mount Bromo, besides the thick dust arising from the hooves and legs move tourists also will be quite annoying, so that friends should provide a good mask to avoid dust The.

All the troubles and challenges faced when trying to reach the summit of Mount Bromo will soon be replaced when friends had reached the summit. A beautiful view of which friends can see clearly crater smoke coming out of the mouth of the crater, and many other beautiful sights that are difficult to express in words that would be friends get at Mount Bromo.

The visitors can also use the jeep hardtop and towards the parking area in the sea of sand and each visitor can use the services of a horse rental or just by walking us to get to the location of the founding of Mount Bromo and see the beauty of Bromo crater up close.

Sunday 22 February 2015

The Challenge of "Waves Left" Lakey Beach

Maybe you rarely or never even heard the term "Wave Left". Lakey Beach in Sub Hu'u, Dompu, Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara province is famous for its waves are called "Waves Left". For you lovers of surfing and surf hunters may already know and never been to this beach.

Lakey Beach has four types of waves that presents a challenge for surfers. These four types of waves of which is to "Nangas" which is a kind of horizontal waves, the second is "Lakey Peak", is the most challenging type of waves that have the characteristics of the waves on the left resembles a long tunnel and next to his right is the tide. The third type of "Lakey Pipe", which as its name so as to resemble the pipe and the last type of "Periscope", as well as the name resembles a pair of binoculars so that surfers look surfing in a pair of binoculars.

Then why the waves at the beach Lakey is called "Wave Left"? Because the waves are no different from the surf this beach there on the shore in general, the waves on the beach Lakey turned out to have the direction of the sweep to the left instead of to the right, so this is why the so-called left-handed waves, and this is one of the challenges for the surfers who like to look for something the new one.

Besides surfing, you can also swim off the coast, but should be careful to remember the waves were pretty fierce. Dangerous coral reefs are also widely available around the beach. However, the clear sea water and coral reefs allows you to perform activities of snorkeling.

In addition to surfing tour, you can also do a lot of other tourist activities. For example, enjoy the beautiful sunsets. Also can browse cave Japanese heritage that is located on a hill directly overlooking the beach, not far from the line Lakey Beach. There is also a site that supposedly Nangasia estimated to have been around since the year 4,500 BC, marking a historic site that has no advanced civilization in the region Dompu.

Fishing activities can be done to eliminate fatigue or burnout after a long work and perform daily routines, if lucky, while fishing and being on a boat, you might see the dolphins who happened to be passing.

Salahuddin Mahmud Airport, you can use the bus with the aim Dompu with costs roughly  about 30,000 rupiahs per person, and stop at Terminal Ginte in Dompu and proceed with another form of transport to arrive in the city minibus Lakey Beach, with long travel approximately one hours. The total trip from the airport to Lakey Beach, approximately two hours to pass through the winding and hilly.

Owned facilities around the beach is quite complete, ranging from the inn or cottage, you can easily find. Likewise restaurants are ready to fill your stomach for the convenience of your tour. Do not miss the sunset atmosphere that you can see on this beach to complete your tour at Lakey Beach.

So, for those of you who are curious about the beach "Waves Left" This Lakey please visit Dompu West Nusa Tenggara Province. And little tips or information, if you want to get good waves, come around April to October, because in this month also often held international surfing competitions.

Maimun Palace Historical Tour

One tourist destination and vacation spot to relieve tired and broaden located in Medan North Sumatra Province is the Palace of Maimun or sometimes called Princess Palace Green.

Maimun palace building is located precisely at Brigjen Katamso street, Talbot Village, district of Medan Maimun. Blending elements of Malay culture with Islamic style, Spain, India and Italy. Maimun palace was designed by the Italian architect and built by the Sultan of Deli is Ma'mun Al Rashid Perkasa Alam who is a descendant of King to-9 and was built in 26 Agustus1988 and inaugurated on May 18, 1891.

Dutch architectural patterns depicted on the doors and windows are wide and high. There is also a marble inscription in front of the stairs written with Latin letters in the Dutch language. Islamic influence seen from the shape of the arch (arcade) on the roof that resembles an upturned boat (curved Persian) which is usually found in buildings in the Middle East region.

Spacious palace approximately 2,772 square meters, with a page which covers 4 hectares. The length of the front backward reached 75.50 m. and building height reached 14.14 m. Two-storey palace building, supported by wooden pillars and stone.

There is also a cannon which has its own legend in this palace and the field call this cannon cannon as butts.

Once upon a time, in the Eastern Kingdoms Kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess, named Putri Hijau because his body emits green color. He has two brothers, namely Mambang Yasid and Mambang Khayali. Once upon a time, there came the King Aceh determined to woo Princess Green, however, this proposal was rejected by his two brothers. King Aceh became angry and attacked the Eastern Kingdoms Kingdom and beat Mambang Yasid. When the army was about to enter the palace Aceh kidnapping Princess Green, suddenly occurred miracle, Mambang Khayali suddenly turned into a cannon and shot indiscriminately without stopping. Due to continuous firing bullets in the direction of force in Aceh, then the gun was split in two. The front is found in the area Surbakti, in Karo highlands, near Kabanjahe. While the rear thrown Labuhan Deli, then transferred to the Palace courtyard Maimun.

This historic building is open to the public every day from 08:00 until 17:00 pm. Rates entry of 3000 rupiahs for children and 5000 rupiahs for adults, unless there are special solemnization.

Maimonides palace is one of the cultural heritage Indonesian people who have a history of high value, but unfortunately it seem less manicured palace, probably due to lack of funds owned by the sultan, and during this time, the cost of treatment is very dependent on the donations of visitors.

Of course, the participation of both regional and central government and all parties concerned is expected that the cultural heritage of this nation can remain preserved, maintained and sustainable.