Monday 23 February 2015

Prambanan (Roro Jonggrang) Temple

Prambanan Temple or Temple of  Roro Jonggrang is the largest Hindu temple complex in Indonesia, which was built in the 9th century BC. According Shivagrha inscription, this temple was built around the year 850 AD by Rakai Pikatan, and continue to be developed and expanded by Balitung Maha Sambu, in the kingdom of Mataram Medang.

The temple complex is located in the district of Prambanan, Sleman and Klaten, Prambanan sub-district, approximately 17 kilometers northeast of Yogyakarta, 50 kilometers southwest of Surakarta and 120 kilometers south of Semarang, exactly on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. It is very unique, Prambanan temple is located in the administrative area Bokoharjo village, Prambanan, Sleman, while the entrance of the Prambanan temple complex located in the administrative region Tlogo village, Prambanan, Klaten.

It is located right on the edge of the highway Yogyakarta - Solo makes the Prambanan complex easy to reach from any direction, either from Yogyakarta and Solo. For visitors who embark on a journey of Klaten, many paths to choose from, can use the Yogyakarta-Solo bus or bus terminal majors-Prambanan Klaten. Both are equally easy.

Prambanan name, derived from the name of the village where the temple stands, believed to be the change of the name of the Java language dialect of the Brahman Hindu theology term meaning "the Supreme Brahman" is Brahman or the highest and greatest eternal reality that can not be described, which is often equated with the concept of God in Hinduism.

Prambanan history can not be separated from the legend about Jonggrang and Prambanan temple is also called Roro Jonggrang. It is associated with a legend that is believed to be partly Java community about this temple.

Once upon a time, a prince named Bondowoso falls in love with a princess and handsome in appearance, the Princess was named Rara Jonggrang. Because no power to refuse directly the love of the prince, Jonggrang asking to be made a requirement to Bondowoso temple with 1,000 statues overnight. The request was nearly fulfilled, before finally Jonggrang managed to call for help villagers to pound rice and make a big fire that impressed atmosphere already morning. Feeling cheated, Bondowoso who have finished making all 999 statues cursed Jonggrang into the statue-1000.

The tourists can enjoy the beauty of the bas-reliefs on the wall of the temple. Ramayana became the main reliefs of this temple. Visitors who want to know more about this temple can visit a museum that is also located in the temple complex. In this museum, visitors can enjoy the audio-visual about the history of the discovery of Prambanan until the renovations are complete.

Tourism activities are not to be missed is the staging Ramayana. Ramayana is a performance art that brings together a variety of Javanese arts such as dance, drama, and music on one stage and one momentum to present the Ramayana story.

In the vicinity of the temple complex is available accommodation and complete facilities, such as hotels or lodging houses, restaurants and restaurants, souvenir shops, kiosk, as well as internet cafes. In addition, the presence of workers are easy to find a tour guide around the temple will enhance the visit of tourists. Therefore, they will guide tourists discover traces of Javanese-Hindu civilization fame with Prambanan Temple as the main monument.


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